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Detarium Senegalese, sweet detar, 15 seeds/$5, shipping $10,phyto certificate$12

Detarium Senegalese, sweet detar, 15 seeds/$5, shipping $10,phyto certificate$12

15 seeds/purchase

Detarium senegalense is a deciduous tree with a relatively short bole and a large, very leafy crown; it can grow from 15 - 36 metres tall.

The plant is gathered from the wild for food and medicine and the plant is semi-cultivated in Senegal. The dried seedpods are sold as a food in local markets.

This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria, these bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby.

Edible Uses:

Fruit - raw or dried used as a sweetmeat. The fruit contains a green, sweetly-flavoured mesocarp. The sweet pulp from the fruits is used as a substitute for sugar.


The fruits, seeds, bark, leaves, and wood are used for medicinal purposes.

Other Uses:

The tree produces a fragrant resin.

The grey wood is hard with a fine, regular grain, It is resistant to insects and works well, Used for carpentry, joinery etc.
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