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Anonidium mannii, junglesop, 5 seeds /$20, shipping cost /$10, phyto cert. $12

Anonidium mannii, junglesop, 5 seeds /$20, shipping cost /$10, phyto cert. $12

5 seeds/purchase

Junglesop/Anonidium Mannii is a fast-growing tropical African tree native to Tropical Africa, Cameroon, Gabon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to reports, the tree produces the second-largest fruit on the entire planet. Junglesope begins to produce fruits seasonally after about ten years. The Junglesope is the largest Annonaceae but the second largest fruit in the world, weighing

typically 4 to 7 kg but occasionally up to 15 kg. It has a soft yellow-orange flesh with a distinct flavor that can range from sweet to sour depending on the genetics of the tree in question and the maturity of the fruit at the time of harvest. Vitamin A is abundant in


It is grown in warm, temperate, and tropical climates and can survive in both shady regions and drought conditions.

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